Home Reviews All You Need To Know About “Battlefield V”

All You Need To Know About “Battlefield V”

by Nexx

It does feel pretty cool for a battlefield 5 game to be back in World War 2 most notably thanks to what dice does with the maps and stuff they really do some incredible ship between Rotterdam and the weird mountain sides of Norway wide-open Africa campaign stuff and one called twisted steel that’s like full of vegetation. It’s mostly flat but it has this giant messed up bridge in the middle of it that everybody’s fighting over.

I know battlefield 5 fans are picky and they want the biggest Maps possible some of these don’t feel absolutely vast but they all seem to at least for me scratch that battlefield itch you know especially because you can blow up tanks can ram through buildings explosions can like slide the snow off of slanted rooftops wood breaks apart flies everywhere and a lot of maps feel like they really changed throughout a battle just thanks to all the collateral damage along with that.

I don’t want to be the guy that says it feels like certain other previous games in the series specifically but I don’t know also let’s get the single-player round it away because I really don’t know how I feel about it mostly disappointed.

I loved the hell out of battlefield 5 ones small little single-player stories they were short and obviously flawed but I just found them interesting too fun to play through and just kind of charming and unique plus they were gorgeous but the war stories in battlefield 5.

I don’t know they feel more uninspired and there’s a lot of stealth encouraged and and frankly that’s not fun especially considering the AI is usually hilariously dumb like really bad I think it’s all just because you sort of only get three big story focuses and none of them totally feel like they have any big moments some incredibly beautiful scenery yeah but just never really had a lot of fun with him.

I had more fun with multiplayer and obviously that’s expected but still I was expecting a little more from these diversions they try to emphasize characters but none of them grew on me. I can’t really remember the characters from batlledfield 1 either but they didn’t even really focus on building them up then at least as far as I can remember now there’s also not as many vehicle sections which is a huge bummer about the intro sequence is really impressive amazingly cool.

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moy July 13, 2021 - 3:00 am

Awesome article, keep it up

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